Prayer Reminder
Receive prayer time notifications with your preferred settings
Prayer Timings
View your prayer timings for the day with one command
Retrieve Quran verses and footnotes in multiple languages
Retrieve Ahadith from multiple books in multiple languages
Daily Quran
Receive a random Quran verse in your DMs daily at your selected time
Daily Hadith
Receive a random Quran verse in your DMs daily
Quran Player
Listen to any surah of the Quran in voice chat
Prayer Tracker
Mark and view which prayers you have prayed
Quran Bookmark
Save and view your Quran bookmark
Forbidden Times
Read up on the times when it is forbidden to pray
Date Converter
Convert Gregorian date to hijri date
Names of Allah
Retrieve any of the 99 names of Allah
This bot has helped me be more consistent with my prayers thanks to it always notifying me about prayer timings. This bot is the best islamic bot available, and is a must need for every Muslim server.
10/10 would recommend! Loved the daily Qur'an & Hadith feature and not to mention the daily prayer notifications including the forbidden prayer timings was really helpful! So far it has been the best Islamic bot I've ever used!